Your Daily Horoscope!

Aries Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Taking part in competitive sports could release some of your aggressions today. Taking out your pugnacity on opponents rather than loved ones or coworkers is a healthy, and legal, way of turning negative energy into something positive.

Taurus Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Drag queens, trannies, fems and anyone else out of the ordinary may get on your nerves, today. Avoid them, but be tolerant of them. Remember that they're part of our culture's rich diversity, whether you like it or not.

Gemini Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

You may approach the day with an air of intellectualism, but very few people will take you seriously. Could it be they consider you a pompous windbag, or because you forgot to put on pants before heading out this morning?

Cancer Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Reward yourself by spending some cash, today. You won't get too extravagant because, quite frankly, you're cheap. But the bigger the better today, and favorable finances will have you avoiding the bargain basement in search of something top shelf.

Leo Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Celebrity scandals fascinate you, and you can't get enough of the gossip rags. From Brangelina to Britney to Lindsay, you're happiest when celebrities are miserable. Have fun with that today. Consider it payback for shelling out good money to see or hear their latest craptacular release.

Virgo Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

There may be too much going on today, and it's upsetting your balance. Your tightly organized plans may fall apart as the day progresses, but bear with it. Being flexible will keep you on track, and help you maintain your cool.

Libra Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Friends may ask you to mediate as they wrestle with problems today. You may be uncomfortable with this request, but you can't say no. Use frank diplomacy and absolute honesty in helping them sort it out. Don't worry if they're upset with your final verdict. They asked for it.

Scorpio Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

The flamboyant behavior of others unnerves you, but be tolerant today. Perhaps you can learn something from their uninhibited ability to express themselves. Without them, the world would be much more boring, and a lot less fun.

Sagittarius Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Use your sense of humor to defuse potentially explosive situations today. Whether at work or home, a little levity can keep others from taking themselves too seriously. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and there's no danger of an overdose, so dish it out today.

Capricorn Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Avoid lending your stuff to friends today, because you may not get it back. Respectfully decline if people ask you to borrow things from you. Don't deny it if they accuse you of being selfish, because you are, and for today that's a good thing.

Aquarius Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

A power struggle in your relationship may develop. This is never healthy, and could result in a total collapse as you struggle to one-up your partner. What a silly waste of time. Relationships are all about compromise. Finding a middle ground will have you two singing the same tune again.

Pisces Daily GayScope for December 21, 2024

Recent emotional drama may be affecting your health, making you feel worse. Take some time to take care of yourself with some rest, good food, and a little exercise. Stress can be a killer if you let it. So relax today, and focus on the positive.